Updated WebKit SDK (@r68150)

I have updated the WebKitSDK to correspond to SVN revision r59726.
Major changes in this revision:
* More HTML5/CSS3/DOM3 compliance
* Web inspector improvements
* More Accessibility updates
* JavaScript engine improvements
* General rendering improvements
* SVG enhancements
* XMLHttpRequest Changes:
* Plugin support
* Better Windows 7 support.
* General performance and memory use improvements

As usual, this is a significant amount of new logic so there may be some regressions. Please let me know if you encounter any problems!

Side note: I still work primarily on Vista. If you have interest in better testing and support for Windows 7, and happen to have a spare Windows 7 license available that you could donate, please contact me.

I've also updated my build requirements zipfile.


Syrgak said…
Hi Brent! First off thanks for your work on WebKit Cairo port for Windows. I have a question however. I have successfully built WebKit(Cairo) following the instructions on the WebKit wiki page here http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingCairoOnWindows When the build is run it's asking for CoreFoundation & CoreGraphics dlls ..etc. - Apple's proprietary libraries. Am I missing something here or doing wrong? Isn't the Cairo port supposed to get rid of these Apple's libs and use Cairo ones instead...

bfulgham said…
Yes, your build should be entirely free of CoreGraphics and friends.

It sounds like you might have wound up with a standard Apple build. Are you sure you were using one of the Debug_Cairo or Release_Cairo targets?

I confirmed this with the 'depends' tool to make sure we hadn't gotten a bad merge along the way to create the problem.

Please file a bug if you continue to have a problem.
Jmoleiro said…

Do you know how can i from webkit .net / c# open the Web Inspector?


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