A Total Eclipse of the Goo

I've written an almost-not-lame Goo plugin for the Eclipse platform. You can check it out, read my write-up telling all about my interesting experiences, or learn more about Goo or Eclipse.

Eclipse has lots of cool features seen in many other editors (such as syntax highlighting, search/replace, etc.), and many others that are not as common (outline view with "click-to-jump-to-the-line functionality, print margin overlay for the rendered screen, etc.)

It's pretty zippy on my laptop (a Pentium III), but my Linux system is much slower (although it is an AMD K7, so a few architectures older.) I'm also running about 15 more heavy-duty things on my Linux box, so that's part of it as well. Java's Hotspot JIT is definitely an improvement, and IBM's SWT is my Java GUI toolkit of choice now.

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