cURL, Grokking those URL's

With help from Daniel Zucker at, the wxWindows and GTK+ teams, and the folks on #webkit we've finally got a building version of WebKit that does not rely on CFNetwork. Instead, it uses the same cURL backend as wxWindows and GTK+ to handle network interaction, URL parsing, and so forth.

Currently this work is pending review at, under 17730 and 17985. I've also extended the build-webkit interface to support a new --cairo flag that generates a Cairo/cURL build. You can find this (also pending) under 17952.

Note that you will probably need to apply some final WebKit patches to get a clean build. See 17484 for this handful of changes.


Anonymous said…
Great work! Will there be pre-built .dll's made available for people who want to embed the WebKit engine in applications on Windows (with Cairo and cURL so it can be redistributed)? Would be great!
bfulgham said…
That is absolutely the goal. At the moment, it's pretty much a manual operation. Once the patches I mention land, it will be possible to automate the build and generate DLL's for others to use on an easier level.
m4rvin said…
hi brent! great work. when would your patches be incorporated? or is it in the nightly builds already.

i can see that there's at Release_Cairo. But couldn't get to build the webkit.dll

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