Core Foundation Moved

As many of you may know, Google has taken a strong stance against the proliferation of software licenses.  Clearly this is a good thing, as a great many of these licenses are virtually identical, modulo some trademark or name changes.

Unfortunately, one of the licenses not officially supported by Google is the Apple Public Source License, under which the CF Lite sources are released.  Consequently, I was asked to move the source hosting to a location where this license can be clearly documented.

The most obvious location for an APSL project would be MacOS Forge.  However, Apple preferred to not provide hosting on Mac OS Forge until CF Lite was proven to have a meaningful set of users, and that it seemed to be actively maintained.

Happily, Sourceforge does support the APSL as a valid licensing option on their projects, so the code has been moved there


Roger Pack said…
github, man. github

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