Closing in on full merge

It's been a few weeks since my last post, but there has been a lot of activity going on. Thanks to some recent commits by the chromium team, much of the pthreads dependencies that crept in have been removed. Unfortunately, there is still some bits of it left over in FastMalloc.h and Allocator.h, but hopefully these can be removed in the near future.

Even more exciting for me is that thanks to the patient reviews by Darin Adler and Adam Roben, I have finally gotten the bulk of the CFNetwork code in WebKit.dll separated into separate implementation files. Right now the cURL implementation is mostly stub, but this will be changing over the next few weeks.

The redistributable port of WebKit is now a mere 7.5 kB of changes from the ToT.

We're almost there!


Peter Kasting said…
Brent, have you thought about using more of our (Chromium team's) work in your port? Ultimately Chromium aims to be a landed-on-ToT, cross-platform, fully-distributable WK port, which seems like what you're trying for as well. But there are lots of differences in our implementations, like graphics and network backends. Just wondering whether there are specific reasons that Chromium's choices wouldn't work as well for you, or if we can pool our efforts somehow.
bfulgham said…
Yes. In fact, if Chromium had existed publicly a bit over a year ago when I got started trying to do this I probably would have gone down that road whole-hog.

At this point, I'm sort of set in the current architecture, though I do want to help get as much of your teams work merged back into ToT as possible.

I think the Chromium team is doing a great job (notwithstanding my minor gripe in the next blog post), and I watch the bits that get landed with much glee!
Peter Kasting said…
Yeah, the perils of developing in secret :(

We are certainly interested in changes which make bits our port uses accessible to other ports as well, even if you (or others) can't use everything. I think our (new) network code would be very nice to have since there aren't many (any?) open-source, cross-platform, easily embeddable HTTP stacks which actually handle the vagaries of real-world webservers -- Necko is perhaps the closest, but with its XPCOM usage it can be a bit hard to embed.

Some of this will collide with Android as well, since e.g. both they and we use Skia to render but I believe integrated it slightly differently. Over time that should be merged into one graphics backend.

Anyway, keep in touch, we have lots of interests in common :)
bfulgham said…
I think that sounds like a great idea. I'll try to find you on IRC and maybe I can help out somehow.
Unknown said…
Awesome work, thank you :)

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