CFLite Corrections, Web Inspector

Apple recently released an update of the CoreFoundation sources to their Open Source website, which prompted me to take a pass over the OpenCFLite project to merge the (minor) bits of new code. While doing so, I decided to track down the cause of the bundle loading failure which was preventing WebKit from loading resources from the bundle.

The problem turned out to be due to an incorrect file access method (it turns out that you have to pass the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag to CreateFile if you want to get a handle to a directory. If you just ask for general permissions you get an "Access Denied" error.)

Lo and behold, once this bug was corrected, CFLite.dll began happily loading WebKit resources which caused the myriad of context menu options to suddenly start working.

The benefit? The AWESOME WEB INSPECTOR is now live and functional! The attached screenshot shows what this looks like under the Windows Cairo build. Not too shabby! :-)

I've updated the file with the revised CFLite.dll.


tikinoa said…
Requirements link broken?
bfulgham said…
Sorry about that -- it was missing the http portion of the URL.
Anonymous said…
How can I build the from sources?

I've read your instruction on WebKit WiKi but 'real' bulding was not so easy as described.It would be very helpful if you share your tips and build envs. IMO, people need libcurl with SSL, debug version of cairo, and pdb file of libjpeg, at least.
bfulgham said…
The requirements stuff is just my builds of cURL, Cairo, and JPEG. I pretty much just built them as described in the release notes for each package.

cURL is getting a bit out of date, and I'll see about adding SSL support.

The request to add PDB files is reasonable, and I'll see about doing so.

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