Updated WebKit SDK (@r48212)

A new WebKit SDK, now new and improved with no multiple-MSVCRT linkage!

This build corresponds to the new requirements.zip I uploaded last night. This should be suitable for running on an end-user system (assuming it has been updated to the current patchlevel for MSVCRT). If the user is running 'Windows Update' this should be a safe assumption.

Please try it out and let me know if you have any problems.


Unknown said…
Thanks for the update!
Unfortunately there are still problems with rendering page at http://jquery.com/ ?
bfulgham said…
Wiktor -- sorry about that. This release was focused on an entirely separate problem from the one you reported.

I'll be taking a look at that next.

I notice problems on http://slashdot.org as well.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Brent!

The multiple version dependency has been fixed. For those who might try to use the WebKitSDK, you need to make sure that you have version 4053 of the Microsoft.VC80.CRT libraries. They were updated on 7/28/2009. Windows Update did not automatically get them for me. You can get them here:
Jeff Haynie said…
Nice! as usual, this is awesome work.

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