Updated Requirements

If someone wanted to build and run WebKit using Visual Studio 2008, they might find this requirements_2008.zip file to be useful.


The_Decryptor said…
I saw your post to the Cairo mailing list about glyphs getting cut off when using sub-pixel positioning, and since I have no idea how to respond to that post I thought I'd respond here.

Firefox has/had the same issue, and they patched it in Cairo, but I have no idea if it was ever pushed up to the main Cairo tree.


They just pad the "ink" extents to stop the clipping.
Bill Cary said…
I am new to WebKit and wanting to know how to use requirements_2008.zip.

Seems like the purpose of requirements_20008.zip is to eliminate the need to agree to Apple's "WebKit Support Library Agreement" and consequently the need to physically download the WebKitSupportLibrary.zip from the Apple website. However, in attempting to extrapolate from the WebKit build instructions a build process to follow on Windows, it seems like the build-webkit script is expecting not only the physical presence of the WebKitSupportLibrary.zip on the hard drive but also doesn't seem to have any command-line option for something akin to "don't use the Apple support libraries". If one of the available command-line options (e.g. -gtk, -chromium, etc) is supposed to be used in conjunction with requirements_2008.zip it is unclear how to make that work. Note my assumption is that I wouldn't even need to download WebKitSupportLibrary.zip in order to use build-webkit and your requirements_2008.zip.

I'm now wondering if your build method is based upon an assumption of ONLY building from WITHIN Visual Studio 2008 after having converted the solution and project files with the Visual Studio 2008 conversion wizard?

Is that assumption true or more generally can you shed some overall light into a build process to be used with requirements_2008.zip and if my above assumptions are correct. Ideally an overall backgrounder or pointers of where to look on how and what to do in order to build WebKit with Visual Studio 2008 without these Apple Support Library restrictions and code (WebSupportLibrary.zip) would be welcome. I realize that attempting to use Visual Studio 2008 and specifically not wanting to use Apple's WebSupportLibrary.zip are separate issues but your site seems to be the only one I can find that infers both items are possible at the same time.


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