Updated WebKit SDK (@r89864)

I have updated the WebKitSDK to correspond to SVN revision r8984.

Major changes in this revision:
* JavaScript engine improvements.
* Rendering improvements.
* New 'Transparent Web View' support.
* General performance and memory use improvements.

This ZIP file also contains updated versions of Zlib, OpenSSL, cURL, and OpenCFLite.

Note that I have stopped statically linking Cairo; I'm starting to integrate some more recent Cairo updates (working towards some new rendering features), and wanted to be able to update it incrementally as changes are made.

This package contains the same Cairo library (in DLL form) as used in previous versions.

As usual, please let me know if you encounter any problems with this build.

[Update] I forgot to include zlib1.dll! Fixed in the revised zip file.


Zelity said…
I think zlib1.dll is missing from zip package. Where can i find it?
Thank you...
Shaun Sullivan said…
Thanks for doing these. FYI I tried this one on a clean XP SP3 install and it keeps crashing (crash dump reports the exception is in cairo.dll). Would you like me to grab more details and pass them along?

Jmoleiro said…
Hi, just a question, anyone knows how can i open the webkit's javascript console? I'm embedding the webkit.net contron on a c# application and, i can't figure out how can i do it.

Thanks in advance!

Jmoleiro said…
Hi, just a question, anyone knows how can i open the webkit's javascript console? I'm embedding the webkit.net contron on a c# application and, i can't figure out how can i do it.

Thanks in advance!


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