CURLing -- Not just for the Winter Olympics

Despite historical precedent, I was told today that Apple would "not be able to make the CFNetwork sources available going forward." It appears that Mac OS 10.4.10 appears to be the last version in which the sources are available.

What does that mean for the WebKit port? In practice, not a whole lot. I had been intending to use the Windows INET features to implement this code layer. However, the amount of effort required is probably greater than I want to take on, while having an equivalently low level of "fun" such that I don't intend to do much to hook it together.

Instead, I plan on using the existing CURL logic under Windows, which solves the CFNetwork problem and allows me to reuse the existing code built by other users.

Of course, there is some hope that one of the Windows Mobile ports might have something available that could be used, but so far there has been lots of talk but not much code actually submitted by any of the WebKit mobile porters. Hopefully that will change soon.

Finally, I have somewhat working scrollbars. You can't tell from the above screenshot, but the while blank area on the right-hand side is a functioning scrollbar that doesn't now how to paint itself. Although it's invisible, it does move the page around as desired.


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